Monday, July 30, 2007

Caffeine Destiny

Caffeine Destiny

fall 2007

arlene ang
mary biddinger
ryan collins
john gallaher
anne heide
david lehman
reb livingston
rebecca loudon
john morrison
susan stewart

I’m coming to the Internet party late, I know, so forgive my obvious comments, but I’m very enthusiastic about the speed of online journals. With print journals, even with quick reading cycles (say, Denver Quarterly, for instance), the work that comes out, when it’s published, is often a year or two old (dating from submission, if you want to go back to composition, things get exponential). In literary terms, that was always considered fast, I know, but no more.

I thought the same thing when Pilot Poetry published a couple very recent poems of mine. Likewise, the poems of mine that Susan Denning has just published are more than just recent, they’re immediate. The last three were written the week I sent them (the last one, I believe, was from that very day), and that was only a little over a month ago.

Sign me up for the revolution.

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This goes for chapbooks also: Beard of Bees has a new one up from Paul Hoover, and there are others, of course.

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One of the things I admire about Caffeine Destiny is, within a small group of poets, how one is able to find quite a bit of aesthetic diversity. Arlene Ang is such a different poet than John Morrison, for instance. And that is how it should be. (I think, at any rate.)

Onward to the ramparts!


At 7/30/2007 6:52 AM, Blogger Justin Evans said...

Congrats on the Caffeine Destiny publications. Good poems and good company to keep.

At 7/30/2007 9:39 AM, Blogger Susan Denning said...

Hi John,

Thanks for your kind words about Caffeine Destiny, and sending me such good work.

I do make a fairly conscious decision to publish a wide range of voices, so thanks for noticing!

Best, Susan

At 7/31/2007 10:08 AM, Blogger Steven D. Schroeder said...

Agreed both on the quick turnaround of online publications versus print (with a few notable exceptions on both sides), and congratulations on Caffeine Destiny--well deserved.

At 8/02/2007 5:50 AM, Blogger sam of the ten thousand things said...

Enjoyed your poems at CD, John. Most especially, "Sun Over Water". Congratulations.


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