Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reginald Shepherd Died Yesterday

Reginald Shepherd died yesterday evening. We all knew his health hasn’t been good lately, well for a long time, really. But it still comes as a shock.

He was complex. He always had something to say. He was a great addition to all that is American poetry.

I don’t know what else to say. If anyone would like a chapbook of his that we brought out last year, I still have a lot of them. There will be no charge. Just send me an email and an address, and I’ll send you one.

PS. He hated this picture.


  1. Thanks for the post, John. I heard right before I went to bed last night and I've been struggling with how to say good bye. So sad. Such a loss.

  2. Reginald really shared his spirit and deep intellect with his readers, and his loss is like the loss of an old friend. He was a great poet, and luckily, was recognized for that during his lifetime. I can hope and only imagine he left much great writing behind.

  3. Oh my god. I actually had no idea he was ill. That's really really sad...
    I know you guys were pals so take good care of yourself JG.

  4. Thanks.

    Reginald Shepherd. I was always surprised to be reminded that he was only two years older than me. I kept forgetting. He did so much. One of the most prolific and energetic people I've ever met. He could be difficult in many ways. He was quick to take offense. But then quick to move on.

    He had a very large personality. He leaves a large space in contemporary American poetry by his absence.

  5. I published your link on my blog but can't officially link because I'm not on or not savvy enough. You can check in out at Thank you so much for your words and good work.

  6. Shepherd graduated from Bennington College in 1988, and received MFAs from Brown University and the University of Iowa, where he attended the prestigious Iowa Writers Workshop. He subsequently taught at Cornell University. In his last year at the University of Iowa, he received the "Discovery" prize from the 92nd Street Y, and his first collection, Some Are Drowning (1994), was chosen by Carolyn Forché for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs' Award in online texas poker Poetry.

  7. The comment just above is the weirdest phishing comment I think I've ever gotten on a post. To put a gaming link in a bio piece? How odd.

    Why would anyone do that?

  8. His poems were the reason I got into poetry, his kinds words are just amazing, you can feel that they came form the heart.
